Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Expectations are galore in life. But how far it is valid , we have to decide for ourselves. People live life in different tones and  different shades by default or by choice for some are spoon fed and some feed themselves! The funny thing about life is that it consumes us. There's no way out of life, we have to live it - in a way it comes to us . It is made easier when we give up expecting too much of ourselves and of others. To some extent , the expectations we have of life lights a pathway to travel. It helps us but we need to remind ourselves of the limit of our expectations. But it is irritating when expectations are set by others . I am taken aback when I meet people and see people who despise others for their way of life - elaborating on this I mean when people expect others to be like them. They expect people to dress like them, eat like them,talk like them, think like them......and what not? At the least , we are expected and should let people be the way they are and respect their life - rich or poor, dumb or wise, successful or unsuccessful, simple or flamboyant, ......all kinds of different preferences. And many a times its not about the preference, there is no choice left. So, straight to the point I at least expect people to be a little sane about judging others and  their obnoxious habit to despise others for what they have and what they are . {{ This might not be a valid expectation though, whatever!!!}} This get more humorous when people expect less from us  say people pre-set our image in their mind of what we will become , of what we do in our lives, of what we are capable of doing, etc etc. Its wierd to see people getting surprised when you complete a task well, when you talk well, when you plan well ahead and when you live a content life - a kind of expression showing disbelief ,of defeating their expectations ! There are different sets of people of course. So far, the normal stock lives a happy life ;) The best thing is to have our own expectations knowing our true potential and needs and as far as possible to leave people/others out of this. Be happy and let others be happy. Our expectations might reach out for the stars but when we dream  it and live  it, someday it might come true. What about becoming a Smile Millioniare :))) An invalid expectation  right ??? 
But it do help me to keep smiling  somehow ;)